Amazon: Listing Best Practices : Key Considerations for Product Images

Images are the most crucial part of your Amazon listing. Low quality-pixelated images can adversely affect your conversion rate and ultimately your sales. Here are a few guidelines to ensure you maximise your Amazon product listings product images.

Image Dimensions: Amazon recommends that your image dimensions be at 2000 x 2000. This is to allow for zoom. The minimum requirment is 1000 x 1000.

Background: Amazon requires that your primary image should have a wpure white background. It is ok to have background on secondary images.

White Space Ratio: It is important that you your product takes up as much space as possibile and you have a low ratio of white space.

High Resolution Images: It is hugely important that your images are high quality and represent your product in the best way possible. Low quality pixelated images can create a negative impression to potential customers.

Number Of Images: It is recomended that you have at least 4 product images. It is important that all the pertinent product features are showcased on the images. An image with measurements is also very helpful if size is an important consideration for that product type.

Infographics: If possible, or relevant to the product type infographics can be very effective to use as a product image.

3D Rendered Images : it is recommneded that you avoid using 3D rendered (computer generated) images. This can give a false impression of the product aestheics.

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